The educational event “Cryptocurrencies, Beyond Borders” was held on Monday, December 25, 2023 (Dey 4, 1402), at Karman House in Pasdaran.
This event was organized through the collaboration of the Iran-Austria Joint Chamber of Commerce, the crypto asset management company Binovest, and the cryptocurrency exchange Bitpin.
Focusing on cryptocurrencies, the event provided an in-depth examination of the impacts of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology on the future of international trade, as well as the opportunities ahead for this innovative technology.
At the event, the following individuals delivered speeches:
– Dr. Nariman Sadri (Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran-Austria Joint Chamber of Commerce),
– Engineer Farzin Fardis (Member of the Board of Directors of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce and the Iran-Austria Joint Chamber of Commerce),
– Engineer Homaun Ghamari (Chairman of the Board of Directors and Business Development Manager at Binovest),
– Engineer Ahmad Vashghani Farahani (Chief Investment Officer at Digikala Group and Business Development Advisor at Binovest),
– Engineer Alireza Mohammadi (Head of the VIP Department and Trading at Bitpin Exchange).